888 702 4899 hello@sustainmodel.com

Get back to doing what matters.

Transform your nonprofit from donation-driven to financially sustainable. Enjoy the peace of mind you deserve and the freedom to focus on impact.

Reclaimed time

Less time raising money means more time focused on your mission and team

Renewed energy

You’re confident your annual operations are covered

Freedom to dream

Dream big, scale impact, and transform your community

Do you ...

      • spend more time on fundraising than any other facet of the business?
      •  experience the constant churn of raising money – leaving you stressed and exhausted?
      •  struggle with the traditional nonprofit business model that shifts the focus from creating impact to meeting budget goals?


We understand.

Running a nonprofit is tough work

If you’re a nonprofit leader, you probably find yourself dedicating more of your workday to fundraising than to your organization’s mission. The constant demand for raising funds can leave you feeling exhausted and stressed. While you want to prioritize your mission, the nonprofit business model often gets in the way.

We understand your struggle

… the constant tension between making a meaningful impact and managing your budget. That’s why we’ve introduced the SUSTAIN Initiative. We’ve leveraged our deep knowledge of nonprofit leadership and integrated proven entrepreneurial practices to assist leaders like you in developing innovative business models. These models reduce your organization’s reliance on donations and lead to both financial stability and peace of mind.

Reach more of your purpose and potential

Relying on annual fundraising goals puts nonprofit organizations at risk of program closures, talent attrition, and leadership burnout. Transitioning toward financial sustainability empowers nonprofit leaders and lays the foundation for growth and scalability. Let’s take the first step together.

We do the heavy lifting.

For our nonprofit partners, that means we bring the resources, process, and support you’ll need to fully participate in the program.

Start your path to sustainability today.

Together we’ll discover the program that best meets the capacity of you, your team, your board, and your community.

Let's get started

Getting started is easy.

Schedule your call

Click below to find the time that works best for your free consultation.

Tell us a little about you

Give us a head start. Answer a short five-question survey prior to our call so we make the best use of your valuable time.

Engage with our team

Discuss your community, organization, and goals. We’ll follow up with your tailored plan.

SUSTAIN is a major force in crafting our social enterprise model into a business that intentionally integrates social impact as a non-negotiable model.

The focus, business acumen, and direction provided by the SUSTAIN team has been priceless as SCI ventures to create financial independence.

Tina Hanna

Executive Director, South Central Industries